Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nerdy Love...

Studying for finals and this made me ignore the nerdyness that has been frequently happening over here

Friday, May 27, 2011

End of the Year Wrap Up

Ryan and his cute buddy Katie..its a love hate thing

Ryan is out of school, and in true elementary school fashion it was sent off in style. All the first graders did a patriot performance. They sang such cute songs, and did what Ryan calls "Jazzy Hands" which made me laugh and get teary eyed all at the same time.
Ryan was the tallest kid so he was at the very top side of the risers, which was PERFECT to see him. Except he almost passed out one day at practice, and I was worried that if he passed out during the performance he would take down 10 kids with him
Hooray for America
Look at those Happy Jazzy Hands..he was way into it!

Ryan also made honor roll again for the semester. We are really proud of him. Ryan worked really hard and reached all of his "Smart" goals and learned all his sight words.

Ryan and Abby..she is such a cutie and so sweet

Ryan and his Honor Roll Medal.

First grade was a great year. Ryan's teacher, Mrs. Cannon was amazing. She has such a passion and talent for working with these little people. I had the opportunity to volunteer every Monday afternoon, and what I learned was, I could NEVER teach, and that first grade teachers have a disturbing tolerance to noise and tattle tailing. I loved seeing Ryan is his element. Ryan learned so much this year, and is even reading beginner chapter books. He is really gifted at math, and is very lucky because it come easily to him. He wants to be a scientist, a pilot, and Lego creator when he grows up...for now anyways. Adam and I are so happy to watch him grow up and do well in school, but most important we are happy to watch him develop into a kind caring warm person.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summers Here...almost

Ryan started summer break today weird huh because it is sooo early. But, my summer break doesn't start until June I am in this weird place mentally where I am ready to relax but I am in the thresholds of finals and exams. But I am so looking forward to SUMMERTIME.

I love summer, and I love staying up late and watching movies. I remember one summer April and I watched Clueless and Twister almost every night. I think I can still quote most of Clueless. AS IF! I am already starting to assemble the old movies that I cant wait to watch again, and setting up my netflix cue to check out some new ones.But I am also looking forward to:
YosemiteBig Bear
Las Vegas <-adam and I are going for our anniversary
Beach DaysAttempting to teach Ryan how to surf
Santa Barbara
Frozen YogurtBaseball Games4th of July
Watermelon and Corn on the Cob
Sleeping In
Swim Lessons for Ry
Leisurely breakfasts
The Farmers Market
I seriously have lists of fun things to do, not to mention I am planning on doing a little educational hour each morning..gotta keep Ryan on his "A" game!

I love summertime, and this is my first summer not working since like ever in my adult life I think. I am taking an online critical thinking writing course, but I can do it all from the comfort of my own home. What are you looking forward to most about summer?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Nerding Out

For starters I am a I am not trying to hide it, I am actually really proud of it. But often times I come across equations, problems, or concepts that I need to know more about and when I do I go to my buddy Sal. I wish I knew him personally, but he is brilliant and in my opinion changing the world of education and learning.

Here is the link Khan Academy

He can really teach you practically ANYTHING!

Also, like I said before...Khan Academy is really changing the world. Here is their mission statement, "The mission of the Khan Academy is to provide access to high quality instruction to anyone, anywhere. It was founded by Salman Khan who has recorded over 1,800 videos on math, science, finance, and economics at"

I know this is a nerdy post, but it Khan Academy makes me SOO happy. And if your kids are driving you nuts this is a good site to throw them on!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Amazing Weekend...

I cant lie and say this weekend wasn't loads of fun:

Ryan went to Father's and Son's campout with cousins, uncles, grandpa,and Adam

While he was away I,
Grubbed at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles with great company!!
Ate Dots Cupcakes (try it, they are in Pasadena)
Stayed up late playing Rummicube and watching The Office
Brunched with my sisters as well as, Rachel, Katie and Camille also sisters, at The Avocado House in Chino --A M A Z I N G..seriously life changing..that post will soon come.
Took a Saturday Nap
Watched Movies at home and ordered pizza with my boys
Sipped Hot Coco from Starbucks in bed brought home by my sweet hubby
Watched "How Do you Know"--Adam cant pass up a Reese Chick Flick he admitted it himself
Spent time with my brother and his family grubbing on kabobs, and taught the under 8 crowd how to play Clue ..which brought out plenty of giggles from me and Sarah
And today is Monday..I registered for the class I need over summer and GOT IT!
Adam and I dropped Ryan off at school and then went to the mall and enjoyed shopping (doing returns and getting cuter shorts that don't make me look like a pirate). Strolling around, and then delicious taco bell.

But you want to know what the best part was?
I have lost 30 lbs since January...yup 30 LBS!!! The new shorts I got at the mall today were 2 sizes smaller than what I was in January. I danced out of the dressing room, Adam laughed, but it is wonderful. Seriously, I LOVE Weight Watchers..amazing.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yes I Did...

Yes I did watch the Royal wedding. I didn't wake up at 1:00 am I watched coverage this afternoon. The Hubs was making fun of me, and then I caught him standing in front of the "telly" with a huge smile. Like ear to ear. I called him out on it, he responded, "weddings just make me really happy."

But I just have one comment...this came from my sister April's mouth, "Don't these two look like the evil step sisters from Cinderella?" Discuss amongst yourselves.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week In Recap..

I cant believe April is almost over..let the countdown to summer begin. So here are the Hammy's adventures for the past week.

Adam and I saw Soul Surfer and really liked it. Adam claimed we were going because he knew how bad I wanted to see it, but secretly I think he really was anxious to see it too!

Plus Bethanny Hamilton is awesome and it is pretty cool we have the same last name, right?

Grubbed at Lucille's while listening to some awesome Blues music, and watching hockey playoffs!

Went to the Elementary School Talent Show where Ryan and his friends did school cheers. They were so cute, and so many of the kids were very talented. Ryan has decided next year he is going to play the ukulele..better start practicing kid!

We got goodies from the Ice Cream Man. Although, it wasn't as amazing as I remember it being as a kid. Plus, he was out of Big Sticks and didnt even have screwballs WHAT THE???
(I remember eating screwballs from The Stefans house growing up all the time, I think there freezer was the first place I went when I walk through their front door)

So I settled for this beauty which was an excellent choice, and I enjoyed it while I watched Adam change my break pads and rotors.

I cant lie Adam was pretty impressive. It took him almost 5 hours to figure all of it out because Honda screws on their rotors. Long story short, YouTube and Honda message boards helped us figure out the problem. After using a blow torch and a drill I have new breaks and rotors, and we saved a ton of money!

We had a quick family trip to Disneyland. Just for posterity sake I killed the boys on Toy Story Mania..nothing like friendly competition!
I love these two guys!

Silly faces, their strange no denying!