Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nerdy Love...

Studying for finals and this made me ignore the nerdyness that has been frequently happening over here


Amber Riley said...

You are so cute! :)

KMK said...

That was awesome! Thanks for the laugh.

Annette Todd said...

I like how your selective permeable membrame sort of reminds me of a paisley pattern.

The Jones Family said...

I'm going to have to pass that on to Janae~ also nerdy like you. :D I found another fellow blogger! Mine's private; I'll need your address (I didn't see it on facebook).

deer antler spray said...

A good laugh is what we always need with families and friends.

me said...

Hayley Todd now Hamilton this is Sister Graves. You haven't blogged since June so who knows if you'll get this.Your sisters are in my stake and I was so excited to see them at our stake pioneer day. I messaged you on facebook once but the account is under Brother Graves so I don't know if you got it. Anyhow, I am so excited to see you happily married with a super cute little boy who looks like his mamma and daddy. It has been fun to visit your blog. Keep enjoying life. Your doing a great job so far! -Sister Graves

aprilaleman said...

update me!!!!!!!

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