Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weight Watchers

So after deciding I was tired of carrying my baby weight, yeah I know Ryan is 7, but it lessens the blow if I call it baby weight. I realized that I needed to take a new approach to losing weight, lets face it I am a little chunky, pleasantly plump, or whatever you would like to call it but I needed a change I want to be healthier and look better in a bathing suit at this beach this summer. So with a little reluctance I joined Weight Watchers. I was apprehensive so I went to my first meeting and kind of feel in love with my leader and the program as a whole. I like food, no I LOVE food. I care about each little flavor and smell, and I like weight watchers because I can still enjoy yummy food, but just have to keep myself in check. So this all happened six week ago and I am happy to say I have lost 15 pounds already. Honestly I still have a ways to go but working on it one week at a time and watching the scale drop is amazing. So I am proud to say I am weight watchers member and I am kinda loving it! I have also joined a weight lifting class at school in hopes to tone up more and really turn my body into a well tuned machine!


Unknown said...

You go girl. And, I too love weight watchers! :) Does a body good! Let's get back to being thin and healthy and confident again, deal?!

Amber said...

Im impressed at your amazing will power. Work it you sexy beast :)