Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Satisfaction

So I started my new semester today at school. While in a class my teacher made the comment of "Well I hope 50 is not the age of life satisfaction." And it made me think well why the heck not. Why shouldn't we have 100% life satisfaction for today, for the moment, because life satisfaction is everywhere we look. I feel like although I am still going to school and still don't have my degree...and even if I am on the "Thick" side of being in shape...I am 100% satisfied with who I am, with my family, with life, and with my faith of what is going to happen after this life. I look around at the beauty of the earth and think why the heck not be satisfied. So think to yourself today am I 100% satisfied and if I am not what do I need to get there?


Louise said...

This one got me thinking. I often am unsatisfied with something for some reason, then something happens that worsens the situation and I'm left wondering why I complained in the first place. I think we all need to reflect and be thankful for what we have right NOW.

Daniel T said...

Nice post Hayley. Learning to live in the moment and strive for something better, all the time remaining happy, is one of the greatest achievements one can reach.